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Nov 29th, 2020
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  1. Warning = [[Yo youtubers, discord server owners and site owners the link to my script should be my product link from my website tech-brain.net nowhere else or I will shit on your reputation and copyright! also the link should be above any other links in the discription]]
  2. Credits = [[Discord Link : https://discord.gg/UjHTw7Q and also visit tech-brain.net for more products]]
  3. --Version 0.0.6
  4. --Put the script in autoexec if your exploit have it, free exploits don't usually.
  5. SETTINGS = {
  6. ['LoadTime'] = 15,--Defaut is 15 seconds when joining game, how many seconds you want to wait for your game to load, sometimes game break. After it rejoins you.
  7. ['Enable'] = true,--
  8. ['SpinningSlots'] = {
  9. ['Slot2'] = true,
  10. ['Slot4'] = false,
  11. ['Wanted_Genkais'] = {
  12. },
  13. ['Limited_Spins'] = 1,
  14. ['Farm_Candy'] = false,--Make this true if you want to farm candy for spins
  15. ['Farm_Candy_Spins_At'] = 1,--If spins lower or equal to this, farms candy
  16. ['Farm_Candy_Until'] = 6,--when farming candy, stop farming at 500 spins
  17. ['ServerHop'] = {
  18. ['VersionSnipe'] = false,
  19. ['Servers'] = {
  20. ['Server'] = 'Leaf',
  21. ['PublicServer'] = true,--if you want to use vip servers, make this fase
  22. ['VIP_Server_Code'] = ',--
  23. [2] = {
  24. ['PublicServer'] = true,--if you want to use vip servers, make this fase
  25. ['VIP_Server_Code'] = ',
  26. [3] = {
  27. ['PublicServer'] = true,--if you want to use vip servers, make this fase
  28. ['VIP_Server_Code'] = ',
  29. [4] = {
  30. ['PublicServer'] = true,--if you want to use vip servers, make this fase
  31. ['VIP_Server_Code'] = ',
  32. [5] = {
  33. ['PublicServer'] = true,--if you want to use vip servers, make this fase
  34. ['VIP_Server_Code'] = ',
  35. },
  36. local sCon = false
  37. returning = game:HttpGet((URL),true)
  38. end)
  39. if sCon ~= true then
  40. end
  41. if sCon ~= true and URL2 ~= nil then
  42. spawn(function()
  43. sCon2 = true
  44. for i = 1,30 do
  45. wait(0.1)
  46. end
  47. wait(1)
  48. end
  49. got = GetHttp('https://pastebin.com/raw/HXz7Pjg8','https://gist.githubusercontent.com/TechyBrain/cce7fea180136fbd01e6a615ea8b696b/raw/5c19340467dcf828590ee08816c78d4faaa067af/SL2_Spin_Farm')
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